Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Glee season 1 finale

I couldn't have asked for a better finale. While I think New Directions was better than Vocal Adrenaline, I'm glad they didn't win. It gave the viewer a chance to see Sue's heart. I'm glad the writers did that. They were losing the show fast. Sue was what could save it. Sue and going back to classic songs everyone loves. Making it again about the music, not the drama. Last night's episode did just that. It gave Sue a heart and made her not just "the character that is NEVER good," and it took the show back to what it's all about. The music. Journey was a great theme for the regionals show and the arrangements were wonderful. I'm glad Shelby's adopting Quinn and Puck's baby. And I'm glad she named her Beth. Overall, I think this was just a FANTASTIC way to end the season. I was really worried Glee had lost it. After it came back from hiatus to have it's final 9, it just really sucked. Dream On was the only episode I loved. Funk wasn't bad... everything else was just... horrible. This season finale made up for it. I hope next season starts as strong as this one finished. And I hope it stays that strong... and gets stronger (if that's even possible).

Monday, May 24, 2010

Community season finale

I just watched the Community season finale from last Thursday. My thoughts: AOH IJKLDFJLKDFJLKESJFIOJDKLJDSFKLSJD NO JEFF BELONGS WITH BRITTA! I guess if they got together now though, they'd do a "Jelliot" sort of thing... breaking up and getting back together once a season... but they belong together. And Jeff and Annie... terrible idea. They'll awkwardly get over that kiss though. Although it might take time for Annie and Britta to be friends after it comes out. And Britta will try to be mad at Jeff but it won't work.

I'm excited to see how Pierce and Troy's living arrangement works... I have to say... I didn't have high hopes for this one. The series had kind of gotten old and stale and it's only the first season. It needed a GREAT finale to keep viewers tuning in for season 2. I think this achieved that goal. It was full of plot twists and surprises, as well as many laughs. Plus the kiss was a very good cliffhanger ending. GREAT finale... looking forward to season 2!

How I Met Your Mother season 5 finale

Tonight, season 5 of How I Met Your Mother came to an end. I thought it was a fantastic episode. It made me laugh quite hard. Especially the one joke "AHHH! Why is Ellen Degeneres in our bedroom?!" Marshall says that referring to Ted's blonde hair. I think Ted going blonde was the funniest part of the episode. That, and Barney's map. I did think it was very exciting that Marshall and Lilly are finally going to try for a baby. Though I am wondering... will we actually get to see Barney's REAL doppelganger? I hope so.

I was reading something on that said that the show had gone downhill. Because of character development. I disagree. Yes, the characters are different people now... but as Ted remarked upon... they're not worse, they're different. And they're better. For the same reasons that person said they were worse. They've grown up a lot. I think Lilly and Marshall having a baby is bringing us MUCH closer to finding the mother.

Overall, I think this was a fantastic season finale and I can't wait for season 6!

Basic description of use

I'm betting no one will read this... and that's ok... But this will be my space to review the TV shows I watch. I'll review shows currently on and shows that have already ended. I'll review current episodes and past episodes. And by review I mean I'll talk about what I thought. I don't mean break it down... I mean, I'll break some episodes down but others not so much. I may update as soon as I watch something and I may give it time to sink in first. I might update as soon as I watch it, watch it a few more times then write again. Basically, this is a very informal review blog.