Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Glee season 1 finale

I couldn't have asked for a better finale. While I think New Directions was better than Vocal Adrenaline, I'm glad they didn't win. It gave the viewer a chance to see Sue's heart. I'm glad the writers did that. They were losing the show fast. Sue was what could save it. Sue and going back to classic songs everyone loves. Making it again about the music, not the drama. Last night's episode did just that. It gave Sue a heart and made her not just "the character that is NEVER good," and it took the show back to what it's all about. The music. Journey was a great theme for the regionals show and the arrangements were wonderful. I'm glad Shelby's adopting Quinn and Puck's baby. And I'm glad she named her Beth. Overall, I think this was just a FANTASTIC way to end the season. I was really worried Glee had lost it. After it came back from hiatus to have it's final 9, it just really sucked. Dream On was the only episode I loved. Funk wasn't bad... everything else was just... horrible. This season finale made up for it. I hope next season starts as strong as this one finished. And I hope it stays that strong... and gets stronger (if that's even possible).